Doyle Clayton‘s 2018 Workplace Law Review provides an overview of the key legal issues affecting the workplace and workforce.
It includes an at a glance summary of what is happening when in 2018, with links to further resources, checklists of what employers needed to do in 2017 and their priorities for the coming year, as well a detailed review of the main issues and their implications.
In more detail:
2018 – Preparing for the year ahead
- Employment
- Termination payments
- EU General Data Protection
- Regulation (GDPR)
- Gender pay gap reporting in the United Kingdom
Business Immigration
- Brexit
- Brexit
- New master trust regime in the UK
- Accessing UK pension benefits: new developments
- Charitable companies conversion
- Governance reforms in the UK
Health and Safety
- International Standard ISO 45001
- Occupational health and safety management systems in the UK
Equity and Incentives
…as well as other very useful information regarding the management of a UK based workforce in 2018.
Find out what you need to know here